UI.UX photo managment app Taggle receives investment through Chinaccelerator
2016년 01월 04일


Taggle is a photo management application which integrates hashtags (#), a term which is familiar to Instagram users to create an simple and efficient way to mange photos. The company is among 6 companies with early stage accelerating programs with Silicon Valley’s SOS Ventures.  Taggle through the 'Chinaccelerator’ program has secured an investment of US$95k (KRW 110m).

Taggle makes it easy to organize photos through a their daily reminder function GTD (‘Getting Things Done’). GTD allows users to easily touch and slide photos according to the relevant hashtag and there is no need to individually tag each photo.

Choi Hyun Jae from Taggle commented, “Although there are many apps on the market that manage photos, there has not been app that replaces the gallery. By providing a more convenient UI.UX we expect the application to be popular with iPhone user’s that favour simplicity as well as Instagram users that frequently take photos”.


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