Indonesia Startup & Innovation Tour 2023 Unveiled: Explore the Booming Tech Ecosystem in an Exclusive Executive Program
  ·  2023년 07월 07일

The highly anticipated launch of the Indonesia Startup & Innovation Tour (ISIT) 2023 was announced, marking the beginning of a groundbreaking 4-day executive program aimed at immersing participants in Indonesia’s vibrant tech ecosystem. Taking place from 1-4 August 2023, this exclusive tour will showcase the country’s top tech hubs, startup/Venture Capital offices in Jakarta and Bali, enabling participants to learn, connect, and unlock the vast potential of Indonesia’s booming digital economy. Indonesia’s…

‘위키드러버’ 친환경 소재 선인장 가죽으로 만든 신발, 한정판으로 와디즈 크라우드 펀딩 시작
2020년 12월 11일

‘위키드러버’ 친환경 소재 선인장 가죽으로 만든 신발, 한정판으로 와디즈 크라우드 펀딩 시작 컨셔스 라이프 스타일 브랜드 ‘위키드러버(wicked lover, 대표 임가영)’가 크라우드 펀딩 플랫폼 와디즈를 통해 선인장 가죽 신발을 론칭했다. 위키드러버는 2014년 호주에서 시작된 여성 수제화 브랜드 애슐리림(ASHLEY LIM)을 설립한 임가영 대표가 만들었으며, 환경과 동물, 인간이 조화롭게 살아갈 수 있는 ‘의식 있는(conscious, 컨셔스)’ 삶을 추구하는 등 라이프 스타일의 지속가능성을 핵심가치로 여긴 친환경 브랜드이다. 임가영 대표는 사회적으로 친환경에 대한 인식이 진중하고 다소 무겁기 때문에 일반…

콘텐츠 스타트업 글로벌 진출 지원 프로그램 ‘론치패드(LAUNCHPAD) 2019’ 참가사 선발 완료
2019년 09월 26일

콘텐츠 스타트업 글로벌 진출 지원 프로그램 ‘론치패드 2019’에 참가할 기업 선발을 마쳤다.  론치패드(LaunchPad)는 국내 우수 콘텐츠 스타트업의 해외 투자 유치와 글로벌 역량 강화를 지원하기 위해 미국, 이탈리아 등 3개 지역의 글로벌 액셀러레이터와 연계한 해외 투자유치 프로그램이다.  미국 로스앤젤레스에 기반을 둔 스트롱벤처스(Strong Ventures, 밤 벤처스(Bam Ventures), 웨이브메이커 파트너스(Wavemaker Partners), 이탈리아에 있는 패션테크놀로지액셀러레이터(Fashion Technology Accelerator, 이하 FTA 등 파트너로 참여해  국내 교육과 해외 액셀러레이팅 프로그램, 현지 IR 행사를 지원한다. 선발에 앞서 한국콘텐츠진흥원은 론치패드에 지원한 콘텐츠 스타트업을 대상으로 공개 세미나를 열고 국내 교육을 실시했으며, 글로벌 파트너사와의 1:1 인터뷰를 통해 현지 프로그램에 참여할 기업을 선발했다. 미국 프로그램은 투자사 스트롱벤처스가 9월 국내 교육을 시작으로 11월 11일에서 19일까지 LA 현지 프로그램을 운영한다. 스트롱벤처스는 한국 최초의 비트코인 원화 거래소-코빗(Korbit), 글로벌 웹툰 플랫폼-타파스미디어(Tapas Media), 아마존 no.1 헬스케어 여성 위생용품 브랜드-라엘(Rael) 등 성공적으로 글로벌 시장에 안착한 스타트업에 초기 투자를 집행한 바 있으며, 미국뿐만 아니라 한국 소재의 ICT, 콘텐츠 등 여러 분야의 초기 스타트업에 활발한 투자를 하고 있다. 콘텐츠 스타트업의 국내 교육을 위해 서울을 방문한 밤 벤처스의 대표 리처드 전(Richard Jun)은 “한국 콘텐츠 스타트업의 성장 속도는 정말 놀랍다. 이번에 선발한 스타트업은 글로벌에서도 충분히 가능성 있다고 생각한다. LA 현지 프로그램을 통해 넥플릭스(Netflix), 유튜브(Youtube), 훌루(Hulu) 등 기업 방문뿐만 아니라, LA를 글로벌 진출에 교두보 삼을 수 있도록 적극적인 지원을 하겠다.”라고 했다.  밤 벤처스는 스트롱 벤처스와 더불어 스타트업 전문 미디어 비석세스(beSUCCESS), 웨이브메이커 파트너스(Wavemaker Partners) 등과 함께 이번 미국 프로그램 파트너로 참여해 멘토링과 IR 활동 등 스타트업을 지원한다. 이탈리아는 패션테크놀로지액셀러레이터(FTA)가 맡아 밀라노에서 10월 7일부터 11일까지 선발된 5개 스타트업을 위한 현지 프로그램을 운영한다. FTA 밀란은 패션과 리테일 산업의 인터내셔널 허브로서 패션 테크 스타트업에 투자와 육성을 담당하고 현재까지 3,000개의 스타트업을 지원한 바 있다. 이번 프로그램에는 FTA와 패션 분야 유명 브랜드 출신의 전문가들이 멘토로 다수 참여해 우리 스타트업의 성공적인 패션 비즈니스를 도울 계획이다.  FTA의 쥬시 캐논(Giusy Cannone) 대표는 ‘인터뷰한 스타트업들의 패션과 기술의 조화가 인상 깊었으며, 이 기업들의 한국 시장에서의 활동과 데이터를 기반으로 유럽 시장에 진출할 가능성이 높은 팀을 선택했다. 이탈리아 현지 액셀러레이팅 프로그램을 통해 스타트업의 현지 진출과 브랜드 전문가, 디자이너, 공급 업체 등 사업 파트너 연결에도 최선을 다하겠다”라고 밝혔다.  한편 론치패드 사업을 담당하고 있는 한국콘텐츠진흥원 기업육성팀 이경은 팀장은 “해외 투자자들의 안목으로 참가사를 선발하고, 육성하는 것이 이 사업의 핵심”이라고 설명했다. 선발된 기업은 각각 미국 로스앤젤레스와 이탈리아 밀라노를 방문해 액셀러레이팅 프로그램 참여와 데모데이를 통해서 현지 벤처캐피탈과 만남이 예정되어있다. 선발된 스타트업은 미국 10개사, 이탈리아 5개사로 아래와 같다. 미국 10개사 더문 (THE MOON, 대표 문은빈) 색조메이크업의 필수제품인 6가지 제품 멀티 키트 구성의 기능성 화장품 ‘블문킷’ 뮤즈라이브 (MUZLIVE, 대표 석철) 스마트 기기용 소장형 음악앨범(KiT Album)을 통한 스마트 미디어 플랫폼 삼공일 (Threeo1, 대표 박상원, 이상헌) 피나포레 베이킹키트DIY (PinaforeBakingKit) 빅데이터 분석…

Top five healthcare trends from technology startups
2016년 02월 01일

Technology has been integral in medical advancement and personal health. Now more than ever, technology is readily available to people of developed countries, mostly in the form of smart phones and devices. Recently, a surge in personal health gadgets and apps has been observed with the likes of Garmin Vivosmart, Fitbit, Samsung S Health and Apple Health gaining momentum in the market. These smart devices have the ability to not only enhance…

K­Beauty and Fashion customisation: The next wave in Korean commerce
2016년 01월 27일

Competition in Korea is heating up with the popularity of SPA brands in the fashion industry and big players like Laniege, Sulawhasoo dominating the beauty market. Local and international consumers are thronging to purchase fashion and beauty products coming out of Korea. With the playing field afire with dominant players, new entrants have to differentiate themselves to make a name for themselves. But what can they offer to stand out from among…

5 Fintech Startups to watch in Korea.
2015년 12월 24일

Huge institutions, archaic systems and lots of money at stake. These are the conditions that have brought tech entrepreneurs to the wildly exciting and growing arena of financial tech.Both venture capitalists and Wall Street are rushing into the space, investing $10.5 billion in fintech startups during the first nine months of 2015, up from $3.9 billion in the same period last year. and For Korea, If the government were willing to lower barriers…

Korean Government Geeks Bearing Gifts
2015년 12월 10일

Cautious optimism abounds across Korea’s fast-growing startup scene. Following a national policy shift that has recognized the realities and opportunities of the present age, Korean entrepreneurial talent is finally receiving the level of public sector support needed for success. The export-oriented growth formula that helped Korean conglomerates drive economic development for decades following the Korean War is unlikely to continue its impressive historical returns, and the Park administration has sought to replace…

The Most Powerful Korean Corporation (Chaebol) You’ve Never Heard Of
2015년 11월 15일

Editor’s note: Senior Director Corporate Development at Baedal Minjok I. There is a Chaebol in Korea that is nameless. No HQ, no CEO, not even an email. It has massive worldwide influence; setting trends in Asia within a matter of hours. The nation’s economy fluctuates with the slightest movement of this corporation. The organization’s dominant power and reach far surpass the ranks of Samsung, LG, and Hyundai. Combined. There is not a…

Accessory eCommerce provider DearMissJ lands investment from Sazze Partners
2015년 11월 02일

DearMissJ, an eCommerce startup marketing accessories and handmade product by Korean designers into the North American market has secured an early development investment from Sazze Partners from Silicon Valley and Primer. Following their start in 2014, they were quickly brought to the spotlight through Instagram of famous celebrities and North American fashion blogs. The platform has experienced continues growth in revenue with monthly subscribers often doubling. Kristy Kim from DearMissJ commented on…

beGLOBAL San Francisco 2015 comes to a close
2015년 10월 16일

The conclusion of the ‘beGLOBAL San Francisco 2015’ event which was held in The Village in San Francisco, marked another successful year for the startup conference. This year the flagship event recorded over 200 attendees that represented 20 startup company representatives as well as 36 startup industry identities. This combination helped to create a networking opportunity like no other.  The focus of the first presentation session was brought on two influential identities: Gunso Kim, the former head of Innovation Planning for the City of Seoul; and Jay Nath, the current CIO for the city…

3 reasons to attend beGLOBAL San Francisco 2015
2015년 10월 13일

Since beginning in 2012 as beLAUNCH, beGLOBAL has grown and successfully concluded the 7 startup conferences in Korea and U.S. On the 15th October, the event’s U.S. annual event will be hosted at the ‘The Village’ in San Francisco.  In the ecosystem of startups, beGLOBAL San Francisco 2015 provides invaluable networking opportunities between Asia and U.S . So for budding startups and investors looking at the next top technology startup from Asia, the following provide three reasons why you should attend this event.  Key…

beGLOBAL SF 2015, a Networking Ground for Silicon Valley Investors and Asia Startups
2015년 10월 05일

Since beginning in 2012 as beLAUNCH, beGLOBAL has grown and successfully concluded the seventh startup conference beGLOBAL in both Korea and the U.S. To date, the event has been attended by 15,000 people from over 25 countries. To more than 4,000 startups, the event has become a global networking platform. beGLOBAL SF 2015 will be held in San Francisco, on the 15th of October and will provide an opportunity for Korean domestic startups…

Wemakeprice lands $85M investment with NXC / Nexon
2015년 08월 17일

  On August 17th, Wemakeprice a company dealing with social commerce, announced it had raised a total of $85M following the third release of its shares through NXC. Through this investment, Wemakeprice plans to seek the necessary talent and improve its systems in order to accelerate and improve the shopping experience for its customers and partners. NXC specializes in online and mobile games production as well as distribution through its subsidiary Nexon. Kim…

Fintech startup Viva Republica secures $4.2m for Toss Payment System
2015년 07월 21일

  Viva Republica, a Fintech startup has developed Toss, an easy money transfer solution that removes cumbersome identity or security card requirements.    On the 21st July, Viva Republica revealed that it had secured total $4.2m (US) investment from KTB Network, Altos ventures and IBK. With this investment, Viva Republica plans to step into the e-transactions with services that offer real time transfers and a deposit service for non account holders. Toss…

Ylab a webtoon startup attracts $2.5m investment
2015년 07월 20일

Ylab is a Korean webtoon developer and is the creative force behind popular titles such as ‘Fashion King’, ‘Josun Dynasty’ and ‘Abyss of the Sky’.  Recently, Value Investment Korea made an investment of US$2.5m into Ylab.  This investment has been confirmed by representative from both companies.   Ylab was founded by webtoon author Yoon In Hwan who published ‘Blade of the Phantom Master’ which amassed more than 6 million views.  Within the first…

Simfler, developer of parenting app BabyTime, secures US$800k investment from TheVentures
2015년 07월 20일

Simfler have developed an app called ‘Baby Time’ which is designed to  make parenting simpler and easier by managing the associated parenting activity data.  The app records and manages activities like feeding intervals, sleeping periods and nappy change times. Along with this essential data, the app provides relevant advice and information on child growth phases, customized growth diary and lullabies. The app features an intuitive interface allowing the user to record a…

“브릿지모바일, 국내 최저 요금 국제전화 서비스 브릿지 프리미엄콜 출시”
  ·  2015년 06월 25일

무료통화 앱 ‘브릿지콜’을 운영하고 있는 브릿지모바일이 국내에서 가장 저렴한 국제전화 서비스 ‘브릿지 프리미엄콜’ 서비스를 개시했다고 23일 밝혔다. 브릿지콜은 기존의 무료통화 앱과는 달리 앱 실행 없이 일반 통화 버튼을 그대로 사용하는 참신한 기술로, 사용자가 겪었던 모바일 인터넷 무료 통화의 불편함을 해소하며, 출시 1년 만에 누적 250만 다운로드라는 성과를 내고 있다. 이번에 선보이는 프리미엄콜 서비스는 상대방이 브릿지콜 사용자가 아니어도 선충전한 크레딧을 통해 저렴한 요금으로 전화를 걸 수 있어, 기존 브릿지콜 사용자 간에만 사용이 가능했던 무료통화 서비스에 더해, 사용자들의 통신비 절감 효과를 한층 더 끌어올릴 전망이다. 특히, 국내·해외, 유·무선을 가리지 않고…

Big Data Means Big Money for RecoBell
  ·  2015년 03월 31일

The slogan at Recobell reads “Big Data? Big Money.” We’ve heard it before. RecoBell, a Korean based commerce innovation firm, seems to think they’ve got a solution that makes it easy for companies to leverage their data and turn it into increased efficiency and profit. Founded in February 2013, RecoBell leverages big data algorithms to help commerce companies get personal with their customers with the intent to make money for both themselves…

Jandi Helps You Effectively Communicate With Your Team, Raises $2 Million USD Angel Funding
2014년 12월 23일

  As announced in Sparklabs Bi-Monthly Review, Korean startup Jandi confirmed that it has raised an angel round of nearly US$2 million, co-led by Softbank Ventures and Cherubic Ventures. Jandi is a business communication platform for PC, iOS, and Android devices that allows teams to securely and instantly communicate while also easily being able to share files, search through past messages, and more. There are, of course, other apps that address these concerns,…

This Korean Startup Allows Developers To Add Voice, Video, & Chat To Web/Mobile Apps With A Few Lines Of Code
2014년 12월 18일

‘Appspand’ is an advanced communication service, allowing voice, video, and chat to be added to any web/mobile app, with a few lines of additional code. Uberple was founded in Jan 2013 with the vision of dramatically improving communication within the financial services industry. This need was borne out the founder’s experience of crude tools available for communication both internally and with clients. While their scope has been broadened to embrace opportunities in…