The Foreign Taxpayer’s Guide To Korea
  ·  2013년 04월 13일

There is a growing population of foreign workers here. The National Tax Service, estimated that the number of non-Korean taxpayers surpassed 500,000 in 2012. (That’s a significant increase from 403,000 in 2010 and 465,000 in 2011!) Foreigners must file for their year-end tax settlements, but NTS provides a set of guidelines you can follow. Foreign residents must submit tax forms on the same day as Korean citizens, but tax treatments differ slightly….

[IP] Talk Synergy: Why Startups Choose To Share With Others
  ·  2013년 04월 13일

As I explained in the previous article, startups can choose to share or partner up with others for mutual benefit. Startups like yourself would enter into these sorts of partnership arrangements as a part of your endeavor to do everything legally/ethically as possible; not only that, this would improve your bottom line and sustain/increase profits. This can be done in various ways. You can do things like: arms-length licensing, strategic alliance building, joint ventures,…

4 Ways To Protect Your Intellectual Property Rights
  ·  2013년 04월 13일

You want to remain profitable in an increasingly global economy. There’s pressure to create new opportunities, new revenue streams from existing assets, new innovations. And all for what? Well, to create new products, enhance existing ones, and to explore new markets. Innovations are valuable assets and must be protected by using the tools of the intellectual property system before you reveal, share, or have it stolen from you. Gain and retain competitive…

[Part III] Is Cross-licensing Still Trendy?
  ·  2013년 04월 13일

This is the third part to IP issues in Korea. You can read Part I here: And Part II here: We talked about IP patent battles in Korea in the previous article. There is a recent IP agreement that caught my attention, which was between Apple and HTC. Apple v HTC Apple and HTC announced in November 2012 that they have settled their ongoing patent dispute, opting for a 10-year…

스타트업이라고 법률에서 자유로울까
  ·  2013년 01월 11일

좀 고리타분하게 들릴지도 모르겠지만, 이렇게 아이디어를 들을 때 가장 먼저 생각하게 되는 것들 중 하나가 법률적 적합여부인 것은 필자의 업과 관련된 어쩔 수 없는 직업병이다. 기가 막힌 안(案)이라고 만들어 낸 것에서 법률적 이슈가 발생하는 것이 생각보다 빈번하기 때문이다. 고객사와의 이야기는 공개할 수 없으니 개인적인 경험을 하나만 이야기해 보자.