맨투맨 글로벌 비즈니스 & PR전략 단기 속성반 현장 : K-app 뉴욕 프로그램
  ·  2013년 10월 21일

2013년 10월 19일 토요일, 종로에 있는 마이크임팩트 건물의 옥상에서는 K-App Global Hub의 뉴욕 방문 프로그램의 사전 오리엔테이션이 진행되었다. 한국 스타트업들은 전반적으로 자신들의 서비스를 효과적으로 소개하는 능력이 부족하고 스토리텔링 또한 취약하다는 상황을 인지해, 이를 단시간에 보완하기 위해 1:1 코칭을 시도했다는 점이 특이하다. 본 프로그램에 참가하는 스타트업은 총 24팀으로, 이 모든 팀들을 도와줄 수 있는 코치들 또한 24명이 필요했다. 운영진은 개인적인 네트워크까지 총동원해 스타트업들이 글로벌 비즈니스를 할 때 고려해야 하는 부분과 PR전략에 도움을 줄…

Bb – A New Feature Packed Video Sharing App From Korean Startup AHIKU
2013년 08월 20일

With Vine and Instagram dominating the image and video sharing market, is there enough room for another player? Korean startup AHIKU thinks their app Bb has a chance. But with a plethora of photo and video apps coming out of Asia, Ahiku is facing a tough battle to make a stand in the market. However, with a small team and low overheads combined with existing partnerships with companies such as KT, STP…

Robotic Pet Care From Korean Startup SinglePet Could Break New Ground For Pet Owners
2013년 08월 16일

Stuck at work doing overtime, and not able to get home to feed your pet? No need to worry, just pick up your smartphone and at the press of a button you’re able to dispense food from SinglePet’s hardware at home. The service even allows pets and their owners to interact through a live video stream direct to a mobile handset, whenever and wherever they are so that you easily can check…

Korean Startup WePlanet Reinventing The Age Old Journal
2013년 08월 13일

Is your old high school journal sitting in a bookshelf collecting dust, never to be written in again? Although some people might like the novelty of handwriting their journal, WePlanet is looking to bring the classic format into the 21st century with its new STEP Journal service, adapted for todays smartphone ridden world. STEP allows individuals to easily and swiftly record their daily lives by using an intuitive icon-based interface and by…

KISED and the SMBA proudly present the K-APP Global Hub Program!
2013년 05월 14일

This program is dedicated towards helping Korean Startups get global perspective by sponsoring their travel to three major innovation hubs: Singapore, Israel, and Boston. KISED and the SMBA recognize the difficulty of startups going global with their user base and thus have created a fully immersive program to help take their companies to the next level. This six month, fully-sponsored program will include monthly intensive workshops, mentorship training, meetings with funding sources,…