3 Reasons Why Seoul is A Mobile Entrepreneur’s Paradise
2016년 02월 28일

Editor’s note: Originally written by Mike Kim, Senior Director Corporate Development at Baedal Minjok Facebook. YouTube. Skype. Hard to believe all 3 iconic companies actually got there start in Korea right? While these Silicon Valley heavyweights have roots in the Bay Area, the origin of their concepts actually hatched on the tiny peninsula of Korea first. Years before Facebook there was Cyworld. Before YouTube, Pandora TV – And long before Skype, a company called Dialpad was…

Can Korea Rise To The Challenge Of Global innovation Leader?
2014년 12월 25일

“When it comes to innovation Korea is a global leader” – Mark Zuckerburg The above statement comes from a speech Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook CEO delivered recently, and demonstrates a changing tide of thought about Korea. No more the ‘Land of Morning calm’ it once was, Korea is emerging emboldened onto the world stage, ready to prove itself, no matter what. My recent article described Korea’s top accelerators and their efforts in providing…

스타트업 채용, 인사(人事)가 만사(萬事)다?
  ·  2014년 12월 01일

“인사(人事)가 만사(萬事)”라는 말이 있다. 업종을 불문하고 기업 경영을 하면서 이 말보다 중요한 말은 없다고들 한다. 좋은 인재를 뽑아서 적재적소에 배치하면 모든 일이 잘 풀린다는 뜻이라지만, 스타트업을 실제 운영하고 있는 필자에게는 왠지 와 닿지 않는 경구이기도 하다. 권투보다는 종합격투기에 가깝고  클래식 바이올린보다는 힙합과 흡사한, 예측할 수 없는 환경에서 새로운 비즈니스 모델을 개발하여 성공을 일구어 가는 과정이 곧 스타트업의 일상이자 본질일 진 데, 이와 같은 전쟁을 함께할 사람들을 도대체 어떤 기준으로 뽑아 어떤 자리를…

This Korean Startup Is Capitalizing On K-Pop Fever, Attracts 1 Million Users in 7 months
2014년 10월 27일

In many countries KPop and other Korean cultural content, such as dramas and movies are all the rage. While much of this content is available on YouTube and services like DramFever and Viki, there is also a plethora of online music services tapping in to the popularity of KPop music. Beat Packing Company is a new startup in the space that aims to bring KPop to the world through their online music…

Korea’s Changing Landscape for Entrepreneurs
2014년 04월 10일

Korea is a country traditionally tied up in confusion societal order with a fierce preservation of tradition and status quo. Yet with this backdrop for tradition, Korea has obtained the highest levels of Internet access and lighting speed connections with intent now to upgrade to an unprecedented next-generation 5G wireless service that will be able to download full-length movies in one second. While the older generation listen to calming folk song and…

German-Korean Entrepreneur Disrupting $5Bn Delivery Market, Bets on Offline-Online Megatrend
2014년 02월 13일

Naldo today announced a new online instant-delivery ordering service that aims to disrupt a domestic industry worth $5Bn. The company provides “immediate delivery of almost any item for B2B and B2C customers within a maximum timeframe of 90 minutes via a browser-based online ordering-system”. The existing offline instant-delivery market in Korea is already huge and sprawling, but Naldo aims to provide a much more streamlined and cost-efficient experience to customers. The early…

Korea’s No. 1 Tech Startup Event From beSUCCESS is Open! Join beLAUNCH 2014, May 14-15 2014 in Seoul
2014년 01월 24일

beSUCCESS, Korean startup media organization, events organizer, and global connector is happy to officially announce that their flagship startup event, beLAUNCH, is back in 2014 in a year that is already heating up to be one of the most promising for Korean, Asian, and Global entrepreneurship. The event will be held May 14 – 15 at the brand new Dongdaemun Design Plaza in the heart of Seoul. In addition, this year there…

Entrepreneurs from the East (Coast)
2013년 09월 04일

As well as boasting an impressive speaker line up when it comes to VCs, beGLOBAL also feature some very interesting entrepreneurs and business people, two of which are Saeju Jeong, Co-CEO at Noom and Suk Park, Co-Founder of DramaFever. With both being born in Korea and currently based in New York, they have a lot in common. But the biggest common denominator is their success. Since the age of 19, Saeju Jeong…

스타트업 창업자들을 위한 10가지 트위트 조언 by 세스 골드스타인
2013년 03월 14일

실리콘 프래리 뉴스(Silicon Prairie News)에 실린 세스 골드스타인의 ‘스타트업 창업자들을 위한 10가지 트위트 조언’을 번역해보았다. 세스 골드스타인의 조언은 짧고 간결하지만 강한 통찰력이 느껴진다.