Mr Pic secure further investment for used car O2O platform ChutCha
2015년 11월 26일

Mr Pic the operator of used car O2O (online to offline) service ‘ChutCha’ has secured an investment of US$1.3 (KRW 1.5b) from KDB Industry Bank. This investment follows MrPic’s success in July after securing US$1.3m (KRW 1.5b) three way investment from East Gate Partners, DSC Investment and Song Hyun Investment. This brings the yearly investment total to US$2.6m (KRW 3b). Mr Pic, debuted ‘ChutCha’ in January 2015 and has amassed more than 300…

East Gate Partners invests $585 k into used car app Chutcha
2015년 06월 19일

Chutcha is a used car app developed and serviced by Mr Pick.  In the use car O2O space, it is widely known as a market leader. Mr. Pick through their extensive experience in online platforms, provides O2O business solutions.  The startup’s experience has been gathered from IT experts from companies like Naver, Neowiz and Nexon.  Recently, Mr Pick confirmed East Gate Partners will invest US$585k into the company.  Of course, behind East…