Samsung Gear VR, In Partnership with Oculus VR, Set To Launch In U.S. Next Month
2014년 11월 15일

Samsung Gear VR


Samsung has recently announced that it plans to launch its first virtual reality headset in the U.S. in December 2014. According to a company statement it will then gradually expand the service into other countries.

The device provides 360 degree rotating view, creating a life-like experience for users. It is currently linked to the Galaxy Note 4 through a micro-USB.

Oculus VR's Max Cohen believes that the future of VR will be on mobile. He stated that "while PCs and dedicated machines will always have more power at some point, graphics become ‘good enough’ on a mobile device and none of that matters anymore.” He added that “You can’t surpass the beauty of being untethered.”

At a time when Samsung's profits in their mobile division are plumeting, finding new avenues for growth is essential. A move into VR seems like a good way to progress into a new business are for the Korean company. The partnership with Oculus and Facebook is also providing an opportunity to bolster its lacklustre performance in software development.

For more on the vision of Samsung and Oculus VR, check this article on TehcnologyReview.

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