Meet the Eleven Gaming Related Startups Chosen by Microsoft’s Kinect Accelerator
2012년 04월 03일

Microsoft has announced the startups that will be taking part in the Kinect Accelerator 2012. The Kinect Accelerator is a Microsoft Accelerator powered by TechStars, leveraging the successful TechStars model. The Kinect Accelerator was for technology-oriented companies which are interested in leveraging Kinect for the Xbox360 platform or Windows. Each company will receive $20,000 in funding. In exchange for the program and the seed funding, TechStars receives 6% equity in the form of common stock.

Below is the list of the selected startups, 5 of which are from outside the US while the rest are based in the US.

  1. Freak’n Genius
  2. GestSure Technologies
  3. IKKOS
  4. Jintronix Inc.
  5. Kimetric
  6. Manctl
  7. NConnex
  8. Styku
  9. übi interactive
  10. VOXON
  11. Zebcare

You can follow updates from the acceleration program and the selected startups through the Kinect Accelerator Twitter account here.

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