Maru180@Campus Seoul Applications Open
2015년 03월 17일

The Asan Nanum Foundation is providing support to Google in its recruiting efforts of startups applying to be based in Google’s Campus Seoul. The Foundation has recently entered an operating partnership agreement with Google and is responsible for managing the workspace for Google’s Campus.  MARU180's 2nd office, named MARU180 @ Campus Seoul, will begin operation starting next month.

The final selection and recruitment targets 10 prospective entrepreneurs and companies that have been incorporated within the past three years, with less than 8 employees. Preference will be given towards companies in the mobile and web tech space, targeting the global market.

Support includes 24-hour open office space, furniture, a meeting room, shower rooms, relaxation lounges, and a nursery.  Admitted startups will be given priority to participate in MARU180 educational events and $100,000 in Google Cloud Platform Service credit free of charge.  Furthermore, participating startups can take advantage of Google’s partner tech hub office spaces around the world.  Entering startups can stay up to six months and cost will be a nominal one-month membership fee.

Startups must apply by the 26th of this month. The first documentary review will be held April 2nd, with a second review to be conducted on April 8th.  The application can be downloaded from MARU180's homepage (unfortunately, the applications are in Korean and will need to be submitted via email, in Korean).

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