Korean In-Car Navigation Startup Launches Augmented Reality Driving System
2014년 12월 29일

Thinkware Inavi X1

A leader in navigation solutions from Korea, Thinkware, has developed a new product with imbedded augmented reality technology. The new iNavi X1 model allows the driver to view the actual image of the road on which they are driving and see a range of useful traffic information.

The company in Seoul unveiled the “iNavi X1” that combines augmented reality with advanced driving assistance system (ADAS).

The AR solution called “Extreme AR” within the system can provide realistic road images and route information. It comes with the ADAS functionality that includes a lane departure warning system. Until now ADAS has usually been reserved for high-priced import models.

With the new navigator model, motorists won’t have to worry about getting lost any longer thanks to its lane change warning system that tells the driver to change lanes well before making turns. It can also indicate major features of the road with different color schemes including slow-driving areas and camera surveillance intervals.

The iNavi X1 comes with other advanced features like “Extreme Air 3D,” the real 3D map, and “Drone View,” a feature which provides an aerial view of the road. Its telematics service “T-Link” encompasses 240,000 items of road link information. The iNavi X1 launched in December 2014.

Thinkware president Lee Heung-bok said, “the iNavi X1 that embodies 17 years of technical know-how, and we’d like to lead the navigator market in the new year.”

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