Korean shopping review app startup Brandi receives investment from DSC Investments
2015년 09월 15일

스크린샷 2015-09-15 오후 3.17.51

Brandi who develop applications for sharing shopping reviews, has successfully won a US$420k (KRW 500m) investment from DSC investments. Brandi is the app to share photos and reviews of shopping items.

Users are able to view photos in an Instragram like environment and read reviews regarding the product.

The investment funds will assist the company plans for further development of their mobile systems and technologies whilst providing a boost to marketing efforts.

DSC Investment which stands for Dream Shelter and Charity are specialists in investments into startup and provide opportunities to small companies to grow with their dreams and ideas.

A representative from DSC Investment commented that "the founders of Brandi have a variety of e-commerce branding business experiences and our decision to invest was based on their mobile shopping model that can be used globally”.

Seo Jung Min a representative from Brandi said, “This investment will be put towards marketing and human capital that will lead to a more joyful and convenient shopping experience for our users”

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