beSUCCESS is looking for contributors
2012년 09월 19일

We at beSUCCESS have built a platform where we showcase startups and innovation in Korea. Going ahead we want to highlight more startups, technology and insights from Korea and to achieve this we are looking for contributors who would like to write about the startup and technology ecosystem in Korea. Although this is a non-paid opportunity we will promise you promotion and branding opportunities through this partnership. Some of the articles will be featured on our global media partners. This is also a great opportunity for people who are interested to learn more about the Korean startup ecosystem as they can interact with startups and industry leaders while working on stories and attend various events.

How to apply:

Write to with the subject line “Application for beSUCCESS Contrubutor” by October 5th with the following information:

1) CV
2) Motivation letter on why you want to be a part of the contributors group
3) Writing samples/experience related to technology/startups

We are looking for people who can write in either English or Korean, English writers will be given preference. The contributors can take the help of our editing team in fine tuning their articles.

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beSUCCESS is a professional media company with a particular focus on startups and tech industry | beSUCCESS는 국내 기업의 해외 진출을 지원하는 미디어 회사로, 실리콘밸리를 포함한 전세계 테크 트렌드와 스타트업 뉴스, 기업가 정신 등 국내 스타트업의 인사이트 확대를 위해 필요한 외신 정보를 직·간접적으로 제공할 뿐만 아니라, 한국의 스타트업 생태계와 출시 소식 등 주요 뉴스를 영문으로 세계 각국에 제공해 한국 스타트업의 글로벌 성공을 지원하는 '연결'의 역할을 합니다.
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