Korea Leads The Global ‘Go Mobile’ Wave, And Opens New Opportunities For Marketers
2013년 09월 25일

Korean Internet users are adopting mobile faster than any other country in the world and the number of mobile users of key Internet services like Facebook and YouTube is increasing explosively.

According to Facebook 90% of 11 million Korean users who access Facebook at least once a month (MAU) access their Facebook accounts on mobile devices. This figure is far higher than the global Facebook average of 71%. The global Facebook MAU is 1,150 million, and 819 million are mobile users.

These figures for Korea are much higher than in other leading mobile markets, like the US and Japan. The proportion of mobile users to total monthly Facebook users was 86% in Japan, 80% and 79% in the US and the UK, respectively. Korean users are going mobile faster. The proportion of mobile users accessing Facebook everyday was slightly higher in the US and the UK than in Korea.

Perhaps as a result of the rapid web-mobile transition it is also not surprising to note that 63% of mobile users in Korea access Facebook every day, compared to the global average of 57%.

YouTube also sees more than half of traffic on mobile devices in Korea today, compared to a mere 20% in. As a result YouTube traffic is also at the highest level in the world.

Related industries expect that various services and marketing activities will be particularly relevant for highly mobile Korean users.

“In Korea where the mobile Internet environment and LTE is well developed, the proportion of mobile users is highest in the world,” said a Facebook Korea official. “Based on the advanced mobile environment, it will be possible to approach customers in Facebook in more innovative ways.”

Edited from original post on ET News

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