KakaoTalk Answers User Concerns Over Privacy, Adds ‘Secret Chat’ Function
2014년 12월 09일
Secret Chat KakaoTalk 1

Kakao had started loosing users due to privacy concerns. They now hope to win them back.

Perhaps in response to user concerns around privacy, Daum Kakao has just introduced ‘Secret Chat’ mode and ‘Decline Invites’ features for their KakaoTalk messenger, adding a higher level of privacy to the service. The new features provide users with increased options on how communications are carried out – and with whom.

Secret Chat mode is a new type of chatroom that employs end-to-end encryption on all messages exchanged within the chatroom. The new option ensures heightened confidentiality of conversations, ensuring that chat messages are only stored in the user's device. This means that even if external agencies (such as the snooping government) request user data, KakaoTalk cannot provide it.

To utilize the new option, users simply select the ‘Secret Chat’ option in any 1:1 chatroom, or open a chatroom by inviting a friend using the chat bubble with the plus sign in the “Chats” tab. When only one friend is selected, users choose the preferred mode of chat: Regular 1:1 Chat or Secret Chat. Once a chatroom opens in Secret Chat mode, the chatroom remains open, even when the user quits and restarts the app, allowing for continued conversation. This option for group chat is expected in Q1 2015.

Escape Unwanted Chatrooms with Decline Invites Feature

The update also includes a Decline Invites feature for group chats, allowing users to decline all future invites to chatrooms they no longer wish to participate in. The feature provides users with more autonomy and self-control over which KakaoTalk chats they participate in.

Brandon Park, who oversees the KakaoTalk Service department said, “We’re seeing a growing interest in digital privacy from our users, and the decline invite feature has been a popular feature request.” This is in keeping with Kakao’s core value of developing additional services and features according to user demand.

Secret Chat mode and Decline Invites feature will be available first for Android OS users with the 4.7.0 version update, and an update for iOS users is soon to follow.

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