2017년 09월 13일

(Press Release by PR.com) San Francisco, CA, September 13, 2017 

Konolabs announced today that its AI powered scheduling bot, Kono, will be available starting today.

Called Kono, the email-bot comes with an AI engine with machine learning and natural language understanding capabilities. Users write to or copy Kono in their email, and the bot will schedule a meeting based on users’ calendars and preferences. While Kono checks calendar, sends invites, and exchanges emails, users can stay in a single platform and feel focused. When finding a time with the counterpart, Kono suggests time slots from users’ real-time availability. Having no slots pended, Kono captures every meeting opportunity that means a lot for users.

The company launched its initial beta version of Kono in July 2016 and ran it in limited region. The official version is free for trial to anyone who uses Google, G-Suite and Microsoft Office 365 calendar. The enterprise version is also available with various pricing plans supporting more calendar systems and providing advanced features for enterprise users.

Built with in-house developed, patented technologies, Kono has already received much recognition from enterprises in mainly Korea and Singapore. According to the company, as the company has finalized several POC tests with named companies, it could provide more reliable and secure services for even large corporations. The company plans to attend the AI Expo North America (https://www.ai-expo.net/northamerica/) in coming November to exhibit their solutions and business use cases.

“Scheduling business meetings is hard, but highly important for business performance,” said YJ Min, the CEO and Co-founder of Konolabs. “Kono manages schedule in efficient and natural ways, so users can be more organized and channel more of their time and energy in making their business successful.”

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